Videos und Presse

Medienkünstler Jürgen Claus verstorben

Gestern Mittag (5. September 2023) ist unser langjähriger Freund Jürgen Claus im Alter von 88 Jahren in Aachen verstorben. Er war Pionier auf zahlreichen Gebieten: Unterwasserkünstler, Solarkünstler, Maler, Autor und Visionär. Gemeinsam mit seiner Frau Nora hat er zahlreiche künstlerische Projekte sowie höchst anregende Seminare und internationale Meetings auf seinem großen Gut in Belgien veranstaltet. Er hat Viele inspiriert und Vieles bewegt. Unvergessen auch seine Zeit als Professor an der Kunsthochschule für Medien! Ich persönlich habe ihm sehr viel zu verdanken ; so waren z.B. meine ersten Filmmusik-Komposition für seine künstlerischen Videos (Les artistes et la lumiere, Reims 1991).

Wir verlieren einen krafvollen und inspirierenden Menschen, einen fördernden Freund und sind dankbar, dass wir uns am Tag vorher noch von ihm verabschieden konnten.

Das Bild zeigt Glocken im Meer; er ist also einer der Ersten, die auch Klangkunst im und unter Wasser gemacht haben.

Peter Kiefer

Yesterday at noon Jürgen Claus, passed away in Aachen at the age of 88. He was a pioneer in many fields: Underwater artist (also with sounds), solar artist, painter, author and visionary. Together with his wife Nora, he organised numerous artistic projects as well as highly stimulating seminars and international meetings on his beautiful farm in Belgium. He has inspired many and moved many things. His time as a professor at the Academy of Media Arts is also unforgettable! Personally, I owe him a lot; for example, my first film music compositions were for his artistic videos (Les artistes et la lumiere, Reims 1991).
We are losing a powerful and inspiring person, a supportive friend and are grateful that we were able to say goodbye to him the day before.
The picture shows bells in the sea, sound art under water.

JürgenClaus Taucher am Glockenturm, 1980
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Germany

Klangkünstler der HfM performen in der Kunsthalle Mainz

Veranstaltungstipps - Aktivierung Instrument I (Sevgi and Bengisu) in der Kunsthalle Mainz • 18. August 2023 • 19 Uhr

Bildnachweis: Aktivierung der Arbeit Instrument I (Sevgi and Bengisu) von Sriwhana Spong mit Juan Bermúdez, Danbi Jeung & Wingel Mendoza (Klasse Klangkunst-Komposition, Hochschule für Musik Mainz, JGU), Kunsthalle Mainz, 2023. Foto: Lorenz Kerkhoff.

Letzte Performance zu/mit Sriwhana Spongs Arbeit Instrument I (Sevgi and Bengisu)
Am Mittwoch, den 16/08 laden wir um 19 Uhr zur letzten Aktivierung zu/mit der Arbeit Instrument I (Sevgi and Bengisu) von Sriwhana Spong mit den Performer*innen Juan Bermúdez, Danbi Jeung & Wingel Mendoza (Klasse Klangkunst-Komposition, Hochschule für Musik Mainz, JGU) ein.

Die Kosten sind im Eintritt enthalten.

mit Juan Bermúdez, Danbi Jeung & Wingel Mendoza
(Klasse Klangkunst-Komposition, Hochschule für Musik Mainz, JGU)

Call for applications 2023: master’s in Sound Art-Composition at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Master of Music: Sound Art-Composition
Mainz School of Music

Klangkunst in Kobenz
Wingel Mendoza, Senza tempo (detail), 2023. 12-channel sound installation, loudspeakers, wood, stones, amplifier, 4 meters. Installation view, Rhein-Mosel-Halle Koblenz, 2023. © Wingel Mendoza.

Foreign qualifications deadline: September 10
German qualifications deadline: November 1

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
School of Music
Jakob-Welder-Weg 28
55128 Mainz
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Standard period of study: four semesters (two years)
Meisterschüler (postgraduate course): four semesters (two years)

Application deadline (for applicants with foreign qualifications): September 10 /
Application deadline (with a German degree): November 1.

In 2009, the Mainz School of Music became the pioneer among German universities to introduce a degree program in Sound Art-Composition. Founded by the internationally renowned sound artist Prof. Peter Kiefer, the master’s degree in Sound Art is mostly conducted in English and is designed for musicians, composers and artists who wish to refine their artistic skills in the realm of sound art.

The course is open to artists of all fields who would like to work creatively in the field of Sound Art-Composition. The course has a strong focus on projects and has an interdisciplinary design. Participants will be encouraged to contribute and develop their own experience in the field. The degree program is built upon the most current advancements in the intersection of music and art, which have been evolving over the past twenty years, and offers the opportunity to explore and develop projects in a variety of settings. Emphasis is placed on sounds in spatial settings, particularly public spaces. During their studies participants will create sound installations and will develop concert and media concepts for performances.

Upon completing the master’s degree program in Sound Art-Composition, participants will be equipped to independently engage in high-level artistic work and develop innovative concepts within the realm of sound art. They will possess the qualification to work as an independent artist, expressing their unique artistic vision, creating artistic works for museums, galleries or major festivals. Additionally, the skills acquired throughout the program can be effectively applied in various professional domains, including media and media production, as well as consulting and conceptual design for projects.

The program is tuition-free, with only a small administrative fee of around 350 euros per semester. Students benefit from one-to-one tutoring lessons, working together in a small group of international students you will be engaged in the production of new artistic works for exhibitions and festivals, group symposiums, among other activities. Additionally, the program has hosted guest professors of international reputation, such as Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Jacob Kirkegaard, Miya Masaoka, Bernhard Leitner, Andres Bosshard, Kaspar König, Stefan Fricke, etc. More here.
Also a cooperation with the project for sound research ARS art_reseach_sound has proven fruitful in the past.

If you already hold a master’s degree you also can apply for Meisterschüler (postgraduate course): four semesters (two years).

Applicants for the Master program with foreign qualifications are required to validate them with the university before submitting their formal application. For detailed information on the validation process, please visit here.

Required documents

– A degree in music or art from a university, college of music, or an equivalent institute in Germany or abroad, obtained through a diploma degree program, Bachelor's degree program, or comparable degree program. (The admission of applicants with another degree course is possible in cases of high level of artistic aptitude.)–Curriculum Vitae
– Proof of English skills, which can be demonstrated through test certificates or a conversation with the Board of Examiners during the aptitude test.
– Letter explaining your motivation for applying to this degree program.
– Portfolio containing relevant activities, such as exhibitions, concerts, and compositions.
– Sketch of the planned artistic project to be implemented during the degree program.

The Mainz School of Music is part of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. Such integration is unique in Germany and the extensive offers of the university such as a comprehensive sports program, free visits to the opera, Studium Generale, etc. are also open to music students.

The city of Mainz is located in a cosmopolitan and lively environment and is a media and business hub of international importance. The Rhine-Main region also has much to offer culturally: four opera houses, numerous theaters, symphony orchestras, choirs, festivals and two public television and radio stations.

When making music, it is natural for people to work together across national borders. That's why the university fosters a welcoming culture and fellow students from all countries are valued and seen as an enrichment to life on campus.

Ausstellung Jacob Kirkegaard – sound-nature-environment

Einladung Ausstellung
Jacob Kirkegaard - sound-nature-environment


Ausstellungseröffnung mit gemeinsamen Rundgang
22. September 2022, 18 Uhr, Roter Saal
in Anwesenheit des Künstlers

es werden Klanginstallationen, Video- und Fotoarbeiten des Künstlers gezeigt,
Hochschule für Musik Mainz

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Jakob-Welder-Weg 28
55128 Mainz

Vernissage 22. September 18:00

Schule des Sehens
22.09. bis 30.10.22

Hochschule für Musik
TESTEMONIUM und Doku Ausstellung mit Fotos und Videos
22.09. bis 13.10.22

Di-Fr 15-19, So 13-17 Uhr
Eintritt frei

Die Ausstellung wird durch das Gutenberg Forschungskolleg und die Schule des Sehens gefördert.

Jacob Kirkegaard ist von Mai bis Oktober 2022 Vertretungsprofessor an der Hochschule für Musik Mainz und Mitglied des Forschungsteams des vom Gutenberg Forschungskollegs geförderten Projekts ARS – Art-Research-Sound (Leitung: Prof. Peter Kiefer).
Die akustischen Erforschungen von Jacob Kirkegaard führen in die Natur – in die vom Menschen (scheinbar) unberührte arktische Natur des Nordpolarmeers und zu den Geysiren Islands, in die Landschaften der Native Americans in Utah und Arizona, aber auch in von Menschen gestaltete und definierte Räume, wie die Westbank in Israel, die Gegend um Fukushima oder die Grenzregion zwischen Texas und Mexiko.

Die Klänge dieser Räume erweisen sich im Werk Kirkegaards als akustische Materialisierung großer existentieller Themen wie Leben, Tod und Vergänglichkeit, Erinnerung und Kultur. Sein Werk verweist nicht nur auf Klangerfahrungen unseres gemeinsamen kulturellen Gedächtnisses, sondern schreibt diese im Klangerleben individuell fort.

Jacob Kirkegaard ist einer der renommiertesten Klangkünstler und Klangforscher seiner Generation. Seine Werke werden in Galerien, Museen, Biennalen und Konzerträumen auf der ganzen Welt, darunter das MoMA in New York, das LOUISIANA – Museum of Modern Art und das ARoS in Dänemark, The Menil Collection und die Rothko Chapel in Houston, die Sydney Biennale in Australien, die Aichi Triennale in Nagoya und das Mori Art Museum in Tokio, Japan, präsentiert. Im Jahr 2022 wurde Jacob Kirkegaard von der Königlich Dänischen Akademie der Schönen Künste mit der renommierten Eckersberg-Medaille ausgezeichnet.

Rhein Zeitung Bericht über Klangkunst beim Koblenz International Guitar Festival & Academy 2021

„Wo Stachelschweine auf Klangkunst treffen“

Pressebericht von der Eröffnung Klangkunst in der Rhein-Mosel Halle am 14.10.2021.
Koblenz International Guitar Festival & Academy 2021
Autorin: Lieselotte Sauer-Kaulbach
Rhein-Zeitung, Ausgabe B, vom 16.10.2021, Seite 16
„Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Rhein-Zeitung“

Dieser Artikel ist nur für diese Webpage lizensiert, bitte beachten Sie die Urheberrechte

PDF: 20211016-B-016-WoStachelschweine

Hier der link zum Pressebericht von der Eröffnung am 14.10.2021.
Danke an Lieselotte Sauer-Kaulbach für den tollen Artikel.

Rhein Zeitung Klangkunst

2021 • Video OPENING Trier Klangkunstfestival bis 15. August 2021

SOMMERUNG is the title of OPENING 21, the international festival for contemporary sound art from 24 July to 15 August in Trier. In arable culture, SOMMERUNG refers to the fruitful phase after the fallow period - how could the creative phase of the former and current students of the Sound Art Composition class of the Mainz University of Music be more aptly summed up after months of lockdown!

+++ Follow the Klanglinie Trier and take part in our artistic harvest +++

OPENING Trier Sound Art Festival until 15 August 2021

The sound artists:
Anahita Ghasemi Nasab @anahitaghn
Juan David Bermúdez @juandavid71
Meike Borchers | Master student Prof. Dieter Kiessling, KHM Mainz
Christopher Dahm @christopher_dahm
Wingel Mendoza @wingelegniw
Danbi Jeung @danbijeung_works
Joshua Weitzel @joshua.r.weitzel | Kam Seng Aung | Samuel Cho
Nicola Leonard Hein @nicola.hein
Ketevan Dolnikova-Hahn @kettyvandoln
Hyunju Oh @oh.hyunju_art
Stefan g. Fricke
Supervision: Prof. Peter Kiefer | Prof. Stefan Fricke |
Collaboration: Jim Igor Kallenberg |

The sound art project was awarded as an innovative teaching project by the Gutenberg Teaching College of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

Supervision: Prof. Peter Kiefer | Prof. Stefan Fricke |
Collaboration: Jim Igor Kallenberg |

The sound art project was awarded as an innovative teaching project by the Gutenberg Teaching College of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

Video and Composing: @herkewerke | Photography: Martina Pipprich @martinapipprich |
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