Juan Bermudez at next_generation X at ZKM Karlsruhe, 5 – 7 June 2024

Juan Bermudez Waiting Room #2, (2023), Dot Matrix Printers, Microcontrollers, Waiting Bench, Coffee Tables

Please wait to be... Waiting room No. 2 / 2023 Multimedia Installation Thermal printers, dot matrix printer, queue stands, 600 x400 cm stage and waiting room

photo: Juan Bermudez • Installation version 2023 in Mainz

The Department of Sound Art - Composition is very pleased that the work of Juan Bermudez (Master's student Sound Art - Composition) has been selected for the exhibition in the ZKM Karlsruhe at the festival next_generation .

Concerts, installations, lectures

Wed, June 05, 2024 – Sat, June 08, 2024, Festival

(The work of Bermudez has to be dismantled on Friday for organisational reasons of the festival)

ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, photo: Yannick Hofmann












As Europe's largest meet-up of university studios for electronic music, »next_generation« offers up-and-coming composers a platform to present their new musical developments. This year, the festival initiated and conceived by Ludger Brümmer is celebrating its 10th edition.

Over four days, »next_generation« offers an exciting and dense program with the latest positions from the fields of »fixed media«, »spatial music« and »live electronics«. The festival thus guarantees a representative overview of the current creative work of the next generation of composers in the context of technology and art.

This year, students from 27 electronic university studios from Germany, Austria, France, the Netherlands, Italy and Switzerland are taking part. All participants will have the opportunity to present their work in concerts and installations at various locations in the ZKM or to exchange ideas about their own areas of interest in lectures and discussions. In addition, professors and lecturers will report on current developments in the individual studios and departments.

ZKM next_generation_X

Webpage Juan Bermudez

Juan David Bermúdez (Meisterschüler)