Taegyu Lim

photo: Sangyi Jung














Taegyu Lim majored in Music Technology and Computer Science in University. He also making and releasing music after graduation.
Lim worked as a composer, mix engineer. In 2020, he released his own album. In 2022, he also published a thesis on the impact of short-form videos on humans. Taegyu Lim’s art and research typically explores the interplay between nature, space, and their relationships between humans. And primarily grounded in ecological(especially sound ecological) and philosophical perspectives, although at times, it also incorporates scientific elements.
And the result manifests itself in converging compositions, artistic installations, performances or media artworks.

This research goes beyond simply dealing with sound; it will serve as a substantial foundation for transitioning from being a musician to engaging in the broader realm of artistic endeavors, building a complex artistic experience and career.

BaekSeok Art University (2018~2020)
- Music Technology Major - Associate degree
Korea National Open University (2021~2023, Korea) - Computer Science Major
- Bachelor's degree of Science

Musical Programming Tools (DAW)
- Ableton Live, Max/MSP, Studio one, Cubase and Logic
Musical Programming Tools (VSTs)
- Operator, Analog, Wavetable, Serum, Diva, Massive, Kontakt libraries and etc...
Programming Language
- C#, Java, Max, Python, C++ and C
Programming Tools
- Microsoft Visual Studio, Unity, Touchdesigner, Max/MSP