Christopher Dahm

Student from 2018-2020

Christopher Dahm (*1983/Kirchheimbolanden) lives and works in Mainz, Germany. After working as a techno DJ for many years, he studied sound and music production in Darmstadt (with Dr. Barbara Lüneburg, Moritz Bergfeld and Carsten Kümmel), as well as sound art composition at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz (with Anke Eckardt, Peter Kiefer and Stefan Fricke). Christopher Dahm's installations and sculptures focus on the transformation of architecture and physical phenomena into the medium sound. In the process, space itself becomes a decisive component of the mostly site-specific works. A further focus of his work is artistic research on digital, multi-channel sound worlds, which are used in the field of Expanded Realities or in multimedia room installations. In the Department of Design at the Mainz University of Applied Sciences, he passes on his knowledge to students as manager of the media laboratories.

Christopher Dahm has been appointed for the WS 2022/23 as Professor of Digital Technologies in Moving Image & Sound at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden.

We congratulate him warmly!


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